


Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicine, is not just a conventional medical system but represents a true art of living. Beyond the complex solutions for curing diseases, Ayurveda offers valuable information for maintaining health and achieving a high level of harmony from a physical, psycho-mental and spiritual point of view.

People who follow the recommendations contained in the traditional texts enjoy vitality and strength even at advanced ages, the body staying young for a long time.

Its age of over 5,000 years indicates that Ayurveda is a complete science, abundantly proving its effectiveness. Following the teachings of traditional texts, Ayurvedic practitioners manage to treat various diseases, some considered incurable by allopathic medicine.

Nature has provided us with a wide range of healing substances, and Ayurveda has gathered information about the therapeutic effects of these substances, integrating them into a complex theory.

Ayurveda is a holistic science, because it embraces all forms of healing, including diet, the use of plants, massage procedures, psychology, surgery and others.

Ayurveda is an integral system of both diagnosis and treatment. The diagnostic methods take into account 10 important factors including: the constitutional type, the state of the body constituents, the accumulation of toxins in the body, the time and location of the onset of a disease, the patient’s state of vitality.

The treatment includes a wide range of elements, ranging from simple dietary measures to complex herbal treatments and special purification procedures.

Ayurveda, however, does not deal only with the prevention and treatment of diseases. Two of the main branches of Ayurveda have as their main object rejuvenation and the use of aphrodisiacs.

The branch called Rasayana offers complete solutions for keeping the body in excellent shape even at an advanced age. The person who uses rejuvenating remedies has no reason to fear old age or decrepitude. One of the basic conditions of rejuvenating therapy is that it should be applied from a young age. Thus, it confers vitality and vigor as well as maintaining body tissues in an optimal condition over a very long period of time.

Vajikarana (the branch that treats aphrodisiacs) offers a complete vision of the importance that the optimal state of sexual potential has on a person’s health. Its decrease or depreciation causes the loss of health as well as the appearance of signs of aging. Hundreds of aphrodisiac recipes are described in traditional treatises, each with its own specific mode of action.

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